(Lesson 3) What Can I Do To Stop Water Pollution?

Image result for stop water pollution posters | Water pollution ...                  Remarkably Easy Ways to Prevent Water Pollution - Help Save NaturePoster for water pollution by Swati Tripathi on Dribbble

Today’s lesson will be the first of few that aim to involve you to create something that could help to stop water pollution. This will be developed over the next few geography lessons and it will be part of a larger project involving the United Nations.

Little Inventors Open Challenge Resource Pack for KS2 STEM ...

Let’s visit the following website: www.littleinventors.org

(Once on the website, click on the section regarding the “Save the Ocean”. There are other sections that are extremely interesting).

We would like you to think and plan an invention that could save the oceans, the lakes, the rivers and the ponds.


If you are at home, discuss with your adult and siblings about what would you invent to save the ocean!

Generate a class debate on what they could invent to stop water pollution:

Create a machine that cleans the oceans from plastic (How does it function? Does it pollute? Does it use clean energy? How would you collect the plastic? Would the machine be mindful of all the creatures in the ocean?;

An invention that could collect the oil spilled by cargo and oil ships;

A device that stops the polluted wastewater;



Once children have brainstormed their ideas and shared with everyone, they can start thinking in more detail on how their invention will look like, what it is going to use, how many parts it will be made of, if it is environmentally friendly. The task will be recorded in their topic books with labels and general information.


To write the rationale behind your idea, your invention: why do you want to do it? Why do you think it is going to be successful? How long would it take to build it?

Who would you present the invention to? Why?


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